Monday, May 30, 2005

Adults Only

So I went to the movies with my wife and friends the other night to see Madagascar. It was OK. But what is one of my top 5 funniest life moments happened that day. I'm sure you had to be there to understand but I will try to explain.
We are sitting in a theatre with about 300 little kids and parents. The trailers begin to role. But they are not for Dreamworks next critter flick or Disney'ss next flop. No... not for this crowd. We get trailers about crump dancing, women taking their clothes off, hookers, tricks, pimps, domestic violence, gangs, drugs, and the like...My friend Ryan and I are giggling our heads off while most adults in the room are mortified. Eventually one Parent ran out after the first sex scene when his kid asked him what a pimp was. Dad came back with a manager. The manager stopped the reel and apologized for loading the wrong film and destroying 300 innocent minds.
I know, I know, I'm could be called sick, but it tickled me on a level so deep that I can't explain. Here's to you Harkins!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

How did Bo loose?

I don't watch that crap, but I did catch the last 15 minutes of the show last night when I got home from work. I sat and watched with my wife and when she asked me who would win I said, "Bo, hands down.". did that not happen? Greatly disappointed in a show I don't even follow, except vicariously thru my wife.

I got my grades back for school...A, A-, B+, and B. My grades where not what I thought they would be in the classes I got them but I'm happy.

Our house has it's foundation poured and the walls arebeing framed!!! it looks really cool to go out there and walk aroud.

So, I am in my class and my professor just quoted someone and used the "s" word. Yikes!!! Now he is talking about Marijuanna...I should be listening.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Facing Death

yesterday I was in my office typing on the computer. My office door was open letting in the breeze. As I was typing i felt breath on my neck. I thought it was my co-worker, so I yelled "Back off Punk!". The breath continued on my neck. So I turned around in haste ready to slap my friend... but to my surprise it was a drooling pit bull mother dog. I was parolized. I was sure i was going to die or at least loose an arm or something. After I messed my pants and cried my eyes out face to face with the mother dog, i got up and walked out the office. The dog came after me and I jumped back in the office and shut the door. I hid in my office for like the next 30 mins before I left. Yikes!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Where's the band?

not much has happened this week. I am still on the sick side, I just can't shake it. I had my first week of school and all my classes seem to be cool i guess. I did have a scary moment today. One of the ladies who was fired from my old church showed up in an ordination service today at my current church. It really was one of those awkward moments where you feel obligated to talk to someone who you wouldn't normally talk to. I had to do the music for a guys ordination this evening. The funny thing about that was my band didn't show up. They where in Phoenix shopping and lost tract of time, so I had to go on my own with a vocalist, which was probally for the better.
My wife did my laundry and cleaned the house and cooked dinner. I felt like this was bloggable and everyone should give her Kudos! It was really nice! She has done a great job taking care of me while I have been sick.
Since Micah has been doing music shout outs I felt the need to share as well. I would like the world to know about Sufjan Stevens, partically a song from his Seven Swans Album called "to be alone with you". If you do your research you'll learn he is christian too, so I guess that makes him "church" appropriate. I like him. Also I would like to promote Death Cab For Cutie. If I have to chose a song from transatlanticism I will select "a lack of color". amazon or itune it. enjoy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

1 year and I'm sick

Today is our 1 year! of course it went by so fast. We celebrated by going to Sonoita for the weekend. We ate dinner at the Velvet Elvis and ate our wedding cake. We laid out by the pool and played scrabble. Then I got sick.
I've never been immediatley sick before, but this time it just hit me. I came to find out that I have a fever of 102.5 and an ear infection with a soar thoat. The ear infection makes so much since because I could hardly stand. Really annoying not being able to stand.
Also this weekend my littel brother graduated from GCU! It's turned into such a bad school. The anti-christ will probably rise out of it. My Bro did end up inviting all our family. I didn't think he was going to, so I was happy he did. We had a Party afterwards in CG @ Badillions (its a southwestern restraurant)and had one of those surreal moments where everyone you know from 4 different lifetimes are all standing together. Weird, and it wasn't even my party. Jason, I think was way weirded out, especailly when our mom and her family crashed the party. It went fine but I know it made him nervous.
Well, being sick as I am, its back to old movies and tomato soup.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Reggie McNeal

My co workers have been reading this book called the present future by Reggie Mcneal. We went to a 2 day seminar with him as the speaker and I enjoyed it. He paints a great picture of our church culture over the last 4 generations. He said the builders (born 1925-45) made the birthday cake. The boomers (1946-65) buys the cake. The Gen-X (1966-83) takes them to the cake. (meaning its all about the created enviroment, the experience. He explained this is why we will buy a $20 hard rock shirt to prove we where there with or without buying a $10 burger. Mcdonalds lead the "experience" way by building a playland at the restraunt with take home toys). Now we have the Millenials (offically unnamed group born 1983-00). The cake is digital. everything is digital.
Then from there he decontructed all the problems we have in church. This is the first time in history that we have 4 generations in church together and we wonder why our different cultures can't worship together. It was really intresting. I loved that our staff heard this because we are a "builders" church, a "church has to be this way because" church. They got rocked by this guy. We kind of serve the boomers, but forget gen-x and the millenals. The church we had this conference, their services where a boomers service (Contemporary worship) and a gen-x service (modern worship). They didn't even have a builders service or an organ! This rocked our little old lady worship team.
The other big thing we harped on was programs. How the church is all a bunch of pharasees starting more processes for people to jump thru so they can join our club. Once they are on the mother ship you never have to leave. Our stores are christian, we only go to christian concerts, we only use the christian yellow pages, we only watch christian entertainment, we only stay with other christians. This is what the pharasees did, not Jesus. We are Pharasees excluding the world from our exclusive world. And if we build the perfect building with the perfect programs we think they they will come. Programs are for club members! They are not going to come, in north american culture we have to go to them. Church is not going to look like a sancturary on sunday as much as it did before, it now looks like soccer fields on a saturday morning. Its moved from missionaries to missional.
anyway, I could go on and get the book. its $20 and worth the read even if you don't agree on how to fix the problem because it nails WHAT the problem is on the head.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Hailey Grace Mace

My buddy Tim and Summer had a baby girl. she is really cute and small. Chris made fun of me when I was holding her. Everyone was like, "Ah, you ready to have kids?". Nope. Not interested.

Chris is on this new kick about getting up early. She likes getting up like at 6. This is a good 3-4 hours earlier than the norm. It's nice because she is not cranky in the morning. We will see how long this gimic lasts.

This weekend we will be celebrating our anniversary. we are going back to the ranch (resort...I should say) and we will be kicking it in the pool house laying out by the pool eating wedding cake! i'm very excited about the down time.

My band is starting to get "comfortable". They are playing Johny Cash songs and pulling each other panties instead of listening to me. I'm losing control. Also, my other responciblities (AWANA and Promiseland) I really haven't done much. And the leaders in those ministries are like, "When are you going to do something" and i'm like, "When time continum stops so I can accomplish three full time jobs in my 20 hours a week gig". I'm feeling the heat. Hopefully they will hire someone soon so they get off my back like I'm the long lost hope.