Monday, July 25, 2005

Loud Music

Sunday I had an old lady come up during rehearsal before the service. She approached making a painful face with her fingers in her ears and proceeded to tell me "God doesn't like Loud music". I wanted to recite to her a few Psalms that exclaims just the opposite, but this was just part of all the pains this weekend. I continued to be reamed by a few individuals who attend our tradtional service during the rehersal about the music. Then during the service the most unpredictable thing happened. During the forth song of the music set the worship service coordinator walked down the center ailse and spoke and used hand gestures to tell everyone to set down. So they did...right in the middle of a song. Many found it distracting and others laughed at her. I knew why she did it though. She had taken it upon herself that we had been standing too long. And since some of the old people like to sit after a couple of songs she thought everyone needed to sit.
Along with this kind of service I also had a dead car battery problem, broke the button on my shorts (which kept falling off at my friends kids birthday party), stepping in pudddles with sandles, dog extracts all over the washer and dryer that was either poop or throw up, and bad weather.
Today is better. I went to school. rewired a car stereo for a friend, and brought home a special lunch for my sick wife. So I have a happy face now. Still can't believe the "God doesn't like loud music" thing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Christine exposed

After church on sunday we went to my parents house to kill time before our small group met. As Christine wakes up from her nap with some rice krispi treats in mouth and hand the movie National Lampoon Van Wilder is on the tv. My mom is ironing in the room and says in a disapproving way, "Do you guys like this movie?". I answered, "I don't but this is like Christines favorite movie". Chris tried to defend herself by saying, "No it's not" with her guit spoken words. But....then it happened
We all know christine can't resist a fart scene. And as she says "No it's not" her FAVORITE scene comes on. As the boys from Van Wilder enjoy a table dance from a stripper and go to put money in her g-string...the stripper blows mighty wind in the near presence of the boys face blowing their hair back as if they where on the back of a motorcycle.
As Christine tries to act like she disapproves of this raunchy film to my parents she completely looses herself in the stripper fart scence. She cried thru her laughter and didn't gain control for about 10 minutes. My mom looked upon Christine with disapproval. How can anyone laugh this hard at a movie that they "don't" like? very, very funny.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My litle sister Sally stayed with us for the weekend (and a few days in the week too)! We had fun. Movies, eating out, and itunes was what we did all weekend. We also talked alot about church and mormons. She likes church. Unusal for a young teenager in my family. Chris thinks Sally and I are the most alike....maybe so. Sorry for no posts in like forever, the last three times I tried blogger wouldn't let me make a post. I know I where on the edge of your freakin seat with your panties about to explode wondering when I would post. you go!