Thursday, October 27, 2005

People of the Lie

So I just read this book by Dr. Peck. REALLY interesting. Some of the chapters where at bit of hog wash as far as I understand theology, but particularly his chapter on Mental illness and the naming of evil was eye opening. (this book is about recognizing evil people)
In one of the cases he presents a daughter sick of her mother oppressing her and scapegoating blame to others so that she can appear to have good intentions to others. In the case the daughter diagnosed her mother by saying, "Sick, not evil." but the Dr. Peck replied, "What's the difference?".
He says Evil people are really people with a personality disorder that includes the following symptoms;

a)consistent destructive, scapegoat behavior, which may often be quite subtle
b) excessive, albeit usually covert, intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury
c) pronounced concern with a public image and self image of respectability, contributing to a stability of life style but also to pretentiousness and denial of hateful feelings or vengeful motives
d)intellectual deviousness, with an increased likelihood of a mild schizophreniclike disturbance of thinking at times of stress

"Ambulatory schizophrenia" are people who generally function well in the world, who never develop a full blown schizophrenic illness or require hospitalization but who demonstrate a disorganization in their thinking particularly at times of stress - which resembles that of more of a obvious "classical" schizophrenia.
Peck argues that many evil people are diagnosed with ambulatory schizophrenia. Their not identical but their is much over lap.
What blows my mind is how in our culture today we don't want to label anyone "evil" because...That's just not nice. But the true matter is their are many evil people. Many evil people sitting next to you even in church. And if it "evil" is a disease than we need to help bring people out of their dysfunction.
As I read this book, some names of people started to pop in my head. I was like, "Wow, I need to go tell these people their evil and they need help!" But then I remembered that God tells us to pull the plank from our own eye. And then I could see so much of my own evil and depravity. Now that verse in Matt. 7:3, isn't saying don't judge anybody, it saying check yourself first. But we as believers are to hold one another accountable. And that is what the verse is telling it's audience, get your heart right before you go gracefully admonish another.
Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you readers to recognize that evil is real. Evil people exist even though we don't like to call them that. And that we as the family of God have a great deal of self reflection to do, so that, we can help the rest of the family be cured from their disease.


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