
There is Josh and Tim with our horse blacky. Tim was actually a pretty good roper. Josh was horse challenged. Chris and I took the youth leader team down to Sonoita for a leadership retreat this past weekend. They roped and rode, they went to Mexico, they ate pizza at the Velvet Elvis. Everybody is ready to go back.
School started this past week for me. All my classes are great. Especially my class with Dr. Roger Ball, he is an amazing teacher. The class is called "Leaders who develop leaders" and he walks the walk. If I could be mentored / work for him I think I could really benefit spiritually and in my leadership skills.
Anyway...Our carpet was put in our house on Wednesday. Our carpet rocks! The contractor and his buddy took a nap on it yesterday. It is just so soft and looks so good. I know I am a bit obsessed with the carpet but...I am.
My Parents closed on their own ranch property in Alpine, Arizona. Their property sits at about 8,000 ft. Which is about the third highest elevated mountain in the state. So their is plenty of snow in the winter for skiing and snowmobiling. So they bought 30 some acres off of Luna lake, which backs up against national park property (so no new neighbors coming in). There is two large cabins with wireless internet and satellite television. There is a horse barn and chorales with a few horses. There is a boat for the lake, some 4 wheelers for the woods, and some snowmobiles for the winter. The property is located 45 mins for the states best ski resort. And the best part.....We have keys. We can party up there anytime. So, pack your bags and head to AZ so we can vacation at the new ranch!