We are going to see Sufjan tonight at a little theatre here in town tonight. I am ready for some fun because we have too many balls in the air. My anxiety is high. Christine's job isn't paying what we need and could be problematic with closing on our house, music ladies are giving me a hard time at church, our apartments living room was flooded with water and we had to stay in a hotel, I need to registrar for class but we are tapped out on cash, did I mention we are trying to close on our first house. Anyway, I am about to blow up internally and I am ready for a good concert.
so how was it?
Well apparently his name is pronounced "Suf - ee - yawn." It was really good. Additionally, he and other members of the band are from Holland, MI! James keeps saying, "how did they miss that? Don't they keep up with local talent?"
seriously, i'm so confused. i just googled their website and it only confuses me more. how could we miss this guy? it's holland for crying outloud; i know at least 80% of the people. his group photos totally look like people from holland, but i just can't quite name them. the bad/bland hair and lack of make-up or distinguishing characteristics of any kind is a dead give away.
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