Monday, June 06, 2005

Birthday Is Over!

We had a birthday weekend....
friday: slumber party with birthday hamburgers and coldstone ice cream. Gifts included: a new digital camera, a new birthday outfit, and the entire Oprah summer book club collection
Saturday: Birthday brunch at Z'tejas followed by a day trip to the nursery followed by a Birthday dinner at a ritzy Sushi restraunt called RA followed by a birthday movie viewing of Cinderella Man. Gifts included: a 2 ft wide bowl full of hand picked cacti, a gift certificate to the mall, and a toy washer.
Sunday: had a birthday breakfast of french toast and a birthday lunch at Ricardos. Gifts included: gift certificate to Olive Garden and fancy girl soap.
We ate out way to much and had dessert with every meal! I think she got a little out of control about saturday morning with the whole "It's my Birthday!!!!!" shout outs and fit throwing. Don't worry... we have see signs of her coming down from the burgers, sugar, and soiledness highs.


Blogger Jenny said...

wow! fun!

10:55 AM  

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